Educating the Educators

Education. It is one of the strengths of the VCIA, but what do we do internally on this?

Although we serve the captive industry we are also a part of the association world. To that end, as a staff we are all members of the ASAE (the American Society of Association Executives), and use their community extensively to determine best practices and new trends. As their annual conference is always at the same time as our own, we are precluded from attending, so this week I am at the annual meeting of NESAE (the New England Society of Association Executives). Sessions and discussion groups have featured hotel contracting, association ethics, and what effective leadership looks like. They have all been informative and allow me and the VCIA to grow in capabilities. On a related note, we also have staff members going through ICCIE’s ACI program as we seek to understand the intricacies of captive insurance in order to understand the business of our members and stakeholders.

Which segues nicely into our own education at the 2024 conference. 18 sessions are CPE eligible and back to the topic of ICCIE, many sessions are also qualified for their continuing education.

Finally, we recently announced Jim Carroll as our closing General Session speaker. As the Conference Committee was considering speakers I kept quiet about the fact that I had retained Jim as a speaker at a prior position. Once the group coalesced around Jim as the selection I was happy to reveal my prior experience, and I can assure you that you will be both challenged and entertained.

Only three weeks remain for our early bird discount, and I urge you to take advantage of it.