Can We Talk?

As I mentioned last week, collaboration is at the core of what makes VCIA so important to the broader captive insurance industry.  Understanding that, we’ve scheduled several semi-structured, interactive Discussion Groups  during the upcoming VCIA Conference  open to all attendees to allow the captive community a chance to converse with one another around topics of interest.

One group, whose focus is Getting Comfortable with Change, asks questions like ‘how do we accept and learn to even embrace change, and how do we assist our colleagues and clients in embracing change?  What opportunities and risks are developing because of recent events in our world?’ They will also explore how  companies are utilizing  captive programs to mitigate risks and enhance corporate wellness programs.

US Regulatory Realm is a Discussion Group that will give insight into what the NAIC is working on and its impacts on captives.   Lead by Vermont’s Director of Captive Insurance, Sandy Bigglestone, and Zaw Win, a director in DRM’s Business Law and Captive Insurance groups (and chair of VCIA’s Legislative Committee), this is an opportunity to look at the industry from a state regulatory view, allowing the group to discuss and consider a more uniform approach to working through key items as a collective unit.

One group of experts will provide some background on a proposed federal backstop for business interruption and event cancellation claims that occur because of a pandemic or public health emergency. The Pandemic Risk Insurance Act (PRIA), mirrors many of the fundamental mechanics of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) which was established in the wake of September 11, 2001, to help provide adequate terrorism coverage in the United States. Will PRIA be good for captives? Are there other options? Will it pass? Come  join in the discussion to find out.

The certainties of life: death, taxes, and collateral. That is what Ed Koral of BDO, and Jeff Packard of PMA will serve up through a lively exchange of war stories, cautionary tales, and common-sense tips on how to navigate your organization through difficulties with reinsurance or self-insurance collateral requirements. Collateral Without Damage highlights steps you can take to ensure that you are better prepared for contentious negotiations and equipped with more leverage.

Everyone in our industry knows we need to attract and foster the next generation of professionals who will take captive insurance to new heights. Finding a Mentor is perfect for those new to the industry and looking to make their mark, as well as those who are long-standing members of the industry, looking to share knowledge, help someone along, and find a renewed purpose. 

Totally Cellular, Dude! You guessed it, the growth of new cell and sponsored captive formations across all domiciles will cover a brief background on cell/sponsored captives and explore recent developments, innovative uses, reporting and general evolution.

Talk amongst yourselves! The VCIA Annual Conference will be held online August 10 – 12th, which is fast approaching. Take a moment now to check out all the details here and Register Today! Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rich Smith
VCIA President

Come Collaborate!

Alex Petrovich will facilitate the Captive Owners Only Forum at the VCIA Annual Conference in August.

One important aspect of the VCIA Annual Conference is the time that captive professionals connect and collaborate together outside of the educational sessions.  This is especially true for captive owners. It is such a niche career, and yet so important for those in it to have broad understanding.

Captive managers and other outside team members are invaluable  in advising and helping owners  address challenges and support growth, but the opportunity to discuss issues and ideas candidly with captive owner peers is hard to come by and can be immeasurably helpful. During the VCIA Annual Conference (less than 3 weeks away!) we’ve designed an  ‘off-the-record’ session (no press is allowed, and the session is for owners only), for captive owners to seize the opportunity to ask colleagues how they’ve addressed issues, and lend wisdom, stories of success, and knowledge to other captive owners.  

The forum will be curated by Alex Petrovich, an executive tasked with operating Circle Star Insurance Company, a Risk Retention Group and a segregated cell facility, STCICI. Alex spent almost a decade on the insurance company side, most notably at a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary in the areas of underwriting, business development, finance, and operations.  He went on to work at Gallagher, leading cross functional teams and consulting with large companies on alternative risk management solutions, including captives.  Prior to his current role, Alex was a partner at Lockton Companies, the world’s largest privately owned insurance brokerage.

Collaborative interaction is the core of what makes VCIA so important to the broader captive  industry.  Not only does it shore up your captive knowledge and expand your captive horizons, but it strengthens the association through shared experience.  It’s the perfect example of a symbiotic relationship: your participation is the key to the continued success of VCIA as it strengthens our mission – which  allows VCIA to create these spaces to strengthen your captive IQ.  Quite a win-win!

The VCIA Annual Conference will be held online August 10 – 12th, which is fast approaching, so check out all the details here and Register Now!

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Rich Smith, VCIA President  


Last week I spoke about the increased interest of parametric insurance in the captive space as evidenced by the number of Ignite Talks coming up at our virtual conference focused on this emerging specialty. However, that is only one of the many topic areas being covered with Ignite Talks by the captive industry at VCIA’s 2021 Annual Conference coming up in three weeks.

We informally polled some of our captive owners to ask them what some of the challenges are that their captives have recently faced. We then asked our members to respond to those challenges (or those they have focused on) and present them in our Solution Labs at the conference. Ignite Talks are short, “TED-Talk” style presentations on these solutions.

Some of the challenge areas besides parametric insurance that will be covered include cyber regulation, captive strategic planning, third party risk, tax strategies, employee benefits, premium payment options, use of InsurTech, cell structures, legacy solutions, mentorship, managing volatility, risk distribution, predictive modelling for workers comp, finance and investment strategies, actuarial impact of the pandemic and situational awareness. Quite an incredible line-up!

The VCIA Annual Conference will be held online August 10 – 12th, which is just 3 weeks away so check it out here and Register Now!

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Rich Smith
VCIA President

It’s Hot!

Captivated – July 9, 2021

The record-breaking heat in western North America is just another example of the climate change challenge we all face in the years to come. The insurance industry, not surprisingly, will play a lead role in helping their clients –  and society overall – manage this risk in innovative ways.

One such innovation that is beginning to take off in the captive insurance arena is the use of parametric insurance. Parametric insurance is a non-traditional insurance product that offers pre-specified payouts based upon a trigger event. Trigger events depend on the nature of the parametric policy, which can include weather-related events as well as earthquakes, travel cancellations, and much more.

I know parametric solutions are getting more traction in the captive space because we have not one, but four organizations that are providing Ignite Talks at VCIA’s 2021 Annual Conference on the topic. Ignite Talks are short, TED-Talk style presentations on solutions to challenges facing captive insurers.

Not in any order, we have Aon presenting Parametric Insurance – An Alternative Solution, which will explain how captives supporting Parametric Insurance placements are helping organizations address a hardening market for Natural Catastrophe coverage, contingent and non-damage business interruption risks and other ‘difficult to insure’ areas.

Another session by AXA XL is entitled Parametric Solutions for Captive Owners where you can learn more about how parametric programs enhance risk management for captive owners, and the practical solutions offered through effective captive utilization.

X350 – Magnify Your Reinsurance Capacity to the World´s Largest Capital Market(s) With One Page presented by RYSKEX will explain how the future of buying reinsurance capacity as part of a blockchain-based Digital Risk Exchange (DREx) ecosystem will allow you to start selling your risks to the capital market with parametric risk trading.

And finally, Arbol presents Streamlined “Captive+Parametric” Solutions for Climate Change Risk Management which will explore how captives can play an active role in corporations’ responses to the climate change risk management mandate using climate data, online tools to structure and price parametric protections, and settle claims automatically via smart contracts.

Quite an incredible line up! The VCIA Annual Conference will be held online August 10 – 12th, which is fast approaching, so check it out here and Register Now!

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.  

Rich Smith
VCIA President

Happy Fourth

Last week I talked about our meeting with the British Consulate and discussing opportunities regarding captive insurance. This week we head into the Fourth of July holiday where we red-blooded Americans rant against the British monarchy… er, no – we usually have a cookout, hang out with friends and family, and go watch fireworks. As a matter of fact, Americans may even love the Queen more than our Brit friends!

Keeping with the British connection, one of the keynote speakers for this year’s VCIA conference in August will be Hank Watkins, Regional Director & President, Americas, Lloyd’s of London – the venerable British insurance market.  Hank will be  joined by Vermont Commissioner of Financial Regulation, Mike Pieciak, to discuss the perils and opportunities associated with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues and their practical application on the captive insurance industry. Be sure to register for the VCIA Annual Conference to check out this interesting keynote and connect with hundreds of other captive professionals!

I hope you all take  time this weekend to relax and enjoy this brief summer break. With the conference fast approaching, it will be good to rest and regroup  before digging back into captive insurance.  And invite one your favorite ex-pats along to your  BBQ!

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.  

Rich Smith,
VCIA President

The British Are Coming… And It’s Cool

We in the captive insurance realm have fond relations with our British friends in the industry – I mean let’s face it, you can’t go to a captive event anywhere without bumping into an ex-pat.

But this past week, it was nice to meet Peter Abbott, Her Majesty’s Consul General at the British Consulate General Boston and members of his team to talk things captive insurance. The meeting was facilitated through Brittany Nevins, Director of Captive insurance for Vermont’s Department of Economic Development and included Christine Brown, Deputy Director of Captive Insurance for Vermont’s Department of Financial Regulation.

Consul Abbott was making several virtual visits throughout the New England states to meet with leaders from key industries in each of the states – and naturally, captive insurance interested them the most out of all of Vermont’s industries.

We gave them the fascinating history of captive insurance in Vermont as well as discussed possible trade cooperation between the UK market and Vermont captives. And although there is already much collaboration between the U.S. captive industry and the London insurance world, it is always good to strengthen these ties.

Don’t forget registration is now open for VCIA’s Annual Conference this August. Click here for more information!

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.  

Rich Smith
VCIA President


Vermont’s Governor, Phil Scott, declared that all remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the state are lifted following a massive 80 percent vaccination rate among its eligible constituents.  Vermont is the first state to reach this important milestone and it has a lot to do with the competence of the Governor, his team, and the many folks involved with getting Vermont through this crisis.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Commissioner Mike Pieciak and his team at the Department of Financial Regulations were heavily involved with this critical mission.  The Governor relied on Mike and his team to assist with the modelling of the COVID numbers and analysis using actuarial science. The work and reports generated by Mike’s team were used to inform the Governor, Health Commissioner, and all Vermont citizens.

The success also has to do with Vermont and its citizens. We are a small state and there is a genuine feel for community that permeates the state regardless of which town you live in or what your economic status may be. This “we are all in together” with the trust of government leaders and workers – who are our neighbors – made reaching the 80% goal achievable. It was not easy, and there are still miles to go (to quote another famous northern new Englander), but having trust in one’s neighbors, one’s community, and one’s government is key. Its that same trust Vermont captive insurance owners feel when they domicile in the Green Mountain State.

And although VCIA will be holding our annual conference virtually this year – registration is now open –  I feel confident that we will see each other again by early fall if not sooner.

Thank you and I REALLY look forward to seeing you soon.  

Rich Smith
VCIA President

Time to Gear Up!

As we all have heard over the past year or more, the captive insurance market is booming. I can’t tell you how many of our members I have spoken with  in the past few months who’ve mentioned how busy they are  setting up new captives, or helping clients expand current captive programs.  Dave Provost from Vermont’s Department of Financial Regulation reported  that Vermont has already licensed over 20 new captives – a “normal” year for Vermont is about 24,  and we are not even halfway through the year!

So, that said, this is the perfect time to open registration for the VCIA Annual Conference! The event will be held virtually August 10th – 12th and registration officially opens June 15th. There will be plenty of top level education  for newbies to get a better handle on this new risk tool they have just established,  and plenty on how best to optimize captive programs that have been around for a while.

Sessions include setting up new captives, reinsurance programs that are available and appropriate for captives, and a discussion of whether risk retention groups are a mature industry.  In addition, this year’s VCIA conference will include education focused on  captive taxation issues and captive investment portfolios.  The conference will conclude with a session in which Dave Provost and his stellar team  will discuss captive “hot topics” with the top risk manager for Starbucks.  Educational sessions will continue to discuss up to the minute emerging and current risks, and how captive programs relate to those risks.

This August we will be offering more ways for small groups to connect in video chat rooms. The event will feature  Ignite Talks,  Solution Labs, Morning Coffee and great keynote speakers. CPE, VT CLE and CRE credits are available to those who participate in the virtual conference webcasts. 

So keep an eye out for conference details and  registration opening next week, and prepare yourself to gear up!

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.   

Remembrance II

Richard Smith Sr. in 1944, in front of his home in Maplewood, New Jersey
Richard Smith (Rich Smith’s dad) just about to ship out 1944 in front of his house in Maplewood, New Jersey.

Just couldn’t resist sending along this second post today, as I happened upon this photo of my father taken in 1944. As mentioned, my dad was one of those from the Greatest Generation – a vet from World War II. Seems appropriate to share his image today! Feeling grateful for his service, and the service of so many others. Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

Best Wishes,
Rich Smith


With Memorial Day coming up this weekend I wanted to give pause for time to do something I do not do as often as I should: remembrance.

Usually, I am busy planning a BBQ or a bike ride or a trip to Lake Champlain this weekend, as Vermont explodes with spring blossoms, sunshine, and greenery. Like many of us, I treat Memorial Day as time off with friends and family. However, I do believe remembering those who have left us, and honoring those who put their lives on the line for the benefit of our country, our communities, and each one of us individually is important.

My father was one of those from the Greatest Generation – a vet from World War II who never really spoke of his time in the service, and if asked just said serving was what one had to do. Luckily for him, he was one of those who joined the war effort just as the hostilities were subsiding and was shipped out to the South Pacific after most of the Japanese forces had been pushed out. I remember him saying he was fresh out of high school and there was a sense of commitment – of doing the right thing – that permeated Americans back then, no matter their place in socie ty.

I do believe we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have served or are currently serving in the  armed forces. Their sacrifices, courage and commitment must never be overlooked. This year we also owe our respect and gratitude to those  who have been on the front lines saving lives during  the pandemic this past year plus. They have given so much for all of us, many times putting their own safety and security on the line to help others. Perhaps if there could be a silver lining from the COVID pandemic, it would be a renewed sense of the concept of the greater good, service to others, and recognition of true selflessness when the chips are down.

So, please have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend with all your loved ones but also take extra time to  remember and appreciate.  Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.  

Rich Smith
VCIA President